15 Additional Care Plan Assignments to be submitted for critiquing as quickly as you like within your thirty days. This is in addition to your existing care plan homework from your Gold Level Online Workshop membership. Your 15 additional care plan assignments can be submitted one at a time or all 15 at once if you’re about to test and want a final boost of validation that you are definitely care plan ready. (We’re talking care plan ninja status here!) And just to make sure you are, you’ll also get…
Personalized Actionable Feedback on what you need to do to improve on any of your weak areas and how you can cut down on the time it takes you to write a passing care plan with confidence the first time.
And a Bonus! As a special added bonus we are offering a $50 off voucher for a Virtual Mock Check Off where you can use the entire four hours of one-on-one video coaching to go over anything you want about care plans!